
True Surrender

I have had an experience that changed my life and I believe when we experience those things, we need to share them so that others may find a piece to their own life puzzle through what we’ve shared. For me it was a moment on a beach with someone I love and it taught me surrender.

Surrender to my weight, surrender to the twin flame being what it was, surrender in my writing… surrender to god and honestly my life is not the same.

I’ve waited to write about this because I was watching to see if it was a permanent change, or a onetime glow. I was waiting to see how it would manifest in my life and what changes it would usher in. I think many of us struggle with true surrender, especially in the spiritual. It’s hard to surrender to something you can’t see and don’t know what’s real or what’s your imagination. For me, I had worked my way up to surrender in most things, but what I hadn’t mastered was staying in surrender. I was like the child in that poem who gave the broken toy to god, but never actually let go of it so god could fix it. I’d give it to god, then I’d pick it right back up again. It was a very long existing pattern and I am a very stubborn and independent woman.I knew that the only way to truly see change in my life was
to surrender to that which I recognize as God. I’d long thought of it as a wild river that I needed to jump into and allow it to rush all around me taking me where I needed to be, but it was so difficult to stay in that river.

The last time I saw my twin flame, he literally led me into the ocean somewhere around two in the morning and had me lay down in the surf.

At first the idea was daunting. I was in street clothes, nice ones and though we were staying at a hotel right on the sand, the idea of laying down in the water wasn’t… well I wasn’t sure. I knew though that being with my twin that night was special, it had been divinely planned all year and I had determined to take all I could from it. On some level, I think I knew it would be the last time I saw him.

So I laid in the water, my internal dialogue being something along the lines of, he’s crazy, my clothes are going to be ruined, I’m all wet, omg he’s going to drown me… lol it went on and on, but I soon quieted it and surrendered to the moment.

As my twin stood over me, he spoke to me, directed me to surrender myself to the ocean. He talked about being like a sand castle on the shore and with every wave, I was becoming part of the ocean. He talked about letting go of pain and regret, failure, frustration. With each wave, he talked me through letting go of something into the powerful surf.

I’m a water person anyway, and as I laid there, tiny fish swimming around in my hair and around my ears might I add, I started to feel one with the ocean. Not just the waves that rushed in all around me, but I lay looking up at a black sky and a beautiful moon and nothing else seemed to exist but myself, my twin and the elements. All I could hear was the sound of the waves and the sound of his voice and I could feel the enormity of the ocean. I could feel how immense, how deep, how much life teemed within it. I still remember to this moment that feeling and as I became one with it. I realized how the ocean was a part of the planet and the planet a part of the universe and it all rested within God himself.

I had a glimpse at the enormity of life, of creation, and I got the tiniest glimpse of the enormity of God.

From that moment something changed inside me. I felt different. I was different. I was a part of something so much bigger than myself and I realized I could truly no more control my own life, than I could control the ocean. It was in charge and I was a mere drop in its vastness.

I have not since fought god. What’s more, I no more fear anything because I realize that the ocean, if you will, does what’s best for the ocean and I would want nothing more, to see the ocean survive and flourish, is my purpose here.

All of life looks different now because of that night and because of that, I’m different.

I go through my life differently. I realized that for me, surrender meant caring about being a part of the ocean and anything that took me away from that, was not something I could do anymore. Putting any person, worry or thing before my own surrender was not something I could allow.

What’s wonderful are the changes I’m noticing across the board of my life. I’ve had two major breakthroughs in my spiritual life that affect weight and writing. Because of that, I’ve lost fifteen pounds effortlessly. I eat differently. I eat in surrender. I wake up each morning desiring to write for the first time in seven years. I don’t try to manage or manipulate my career, I simply write in surrender. I’m working on several new projects diligently with the love and passion and fire I used to have for my writing.

Loneliness is something that has plagued me all my life, but I’ve learned you can’t be lonely when you are a part of the “ocean”. I’ve learned how to connect to that sensation of being a part of all things and there is no loneliness there. I’m also meeting new people, making new relationships and each and every person who’s come into my life in the past few months, and there have been a surprising number of them, has been more spiritual, more open, more loving than any of the people I’ve ever been involved with in my past.

I have just come through a two week trial where I was strapped financially. I know money is tight for so many of us, but for me, I have such a long history of fear and panic where money is concerned and when groceries are scarce I stop eating and this plays havoc on everything in my life from my health to my relationships. This time, I knew it was coming, I knew it would last two weeks. I surrendered to it. I put my focus on being one with god and trusting him to do what was best for the ocean.

Every single day came and went and my son and I were completely taken care of. I’m not saying I didn’t stumble here and there, I had moments where the fear tried to snake in, but I simply refused to be that person anymore. I was bigger than that. I was a part of something so powerful that I knew money and food, or the lack thereof, could not hurt me. It is an extraordinary change that was completely unexpected and if I could give you one gift, I’d go lay in the ocean with you and hope you could feel what I felt that night. I know when you really see how small we all are, but how deeply loved and cared for, it will change you to the core of your being.

At the end of the day, I believe all life is about god and our ultimate purpose here is to find him, connect with him and become one again with that which created us. If we can do THAT, I think everything else falls into perfect place without even trying. This experience changes everything for me and I cannot wait to see how it continues to manifest in my life because I believe without doubt that true surrender to your own truth is the most powerful thing you can engage and through that night on the beach, I’ve done that and I am profoundly awed and grateful.


Unknown said...

Thank you So much for this. I just recently met my Twin. Less than a Week ago actually.. It's interesting because I feel like I knew immediately that's what it was.. but my "rational" mind has been trying to make sense of it all since.. And I'm learning to let go.. We both experienced something Incredibly intense and I woke up to her not wanting any part of it. She lives a state away.. and it initially hurt quite a bit. But I know that everything will happen with time.. Saturday Night I experienced what it was like to be whole.. Sunday morning I met her and then things have been a roller coaster ever since. I appreciate your site and the wisdom you've shared. It reminds me what's Important and how I need to go about handling this situation. So much love for you:D

Samantha said...

Thank you so much. I wish you much love and peace on your twin flame journey. I hope wisdom and enlightenment come quickly to you both. <3

Anonymous said...

I guess I am coming to terms with being the awakened one out of my twin flame relationship. Sometimes I wonder if it is real at all or I am going insane for feeling it. I've known my twin for a year and we recently separated. I ask myself how he could run feeling what he does, but then I ask myself why am I so eager to keep him when he obviously needs time. People look at us and don't comprehend how we work, yet every time I am with him, I come home. The one thing that made it clear to me that this wasn't a fling or coincidence of dreams and 'signs' was him saying that we could have known each other in past lives. Many past lives. I never thought that it would make sense to me …but it did. Now that we separated for what seems like the last time, I feel more peace. I used to fight against having peace in my life or relationships before meeting my twin but peace is a gift not a curse. Peace is also something that I have to embrace for myself. I miss him all the time. I still feel him around. Yet, like the ocean my life is flowing in the right direction. He will find me again. Thank you for sharing your posts and God bless.

Anonymous said...

I have been fighting a silent battle for months since my twin flame left me. He has now deleted and blocked me on social media. I gave him my tarot cards when we were together and he has written that they are the most precious things he owns. He knows. I know. Yet, he is not with me.

I was suicidal, shrouded in darkness. I didn't think I would find the light, it has been consuming me. It is unhealthy to look to someone else to complete you. You must find completion in yourself. I now trust God. It is taking a long time but I'm healing.

At the end of the day, the depth of pain I am experiencing is a direct correlation to the capacity I have to love and that is the most wonderful gift of all. I now must master myself.

Thank you for article and to all the people out their experiencing the same pain, I feel you, you are not alone. Embrace the pain and let it go. Ascend into the light :)