What is your greatest fear?
Is it failure?
Is it loneliness?
Is it sickness?
We all have fears, and even when it's the exact same fear as someone else, there are nuances that are specific just for you that makes that fear perfect. The truth of the matter however, is that these fears are nothing more than thoughts in your mind... They are not real. And if it's not real, then you can control it. Furthermore, you must!
I hear people talking about this shift in consciousness. I believe it is on the horizon and all of us are taking part in it. That's why this is such an important time. In meditation I hear my guides talk repeatedly about the energy on the planet needing to shift. They talk about the coming peace the Bible predicts in revelation... the one most people seem to miss when they talk about the "end of days".
It seems to me more and more people are awakening every day, but at the same time, like butterflies wrestling out of their cocoons, more and more people are trapped in cocoons of fear and they can't entirely break free and that is preventing their true awakening.
Fear is deep and insidious, and yet still, we have absolute power over it and furthermore, I'll tell you how... it's love.
Love is the most effective weapon against fear, because love is the light to fear's dark.
As Marianne Williamson says, "Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned here."
Fear isn't real. Love is.
Fear is something our minds construe to keep up still, to keep us from becoming a part of the light, to keep us from fully awakening. Fear will bring death while love brings life. Love for ourselves, for our children, our families, the planet.
Those of you who are mothers out there, you know this is true. Is there any fear
you wouldn't walk through if it meant saving your child from something? We have absolute power over fear. Never think otherwise.
Now let's break it down a little. The biggest fear that keeps us from following our true path towards awakening is often that we will have to do it alone. That we will lose things and people from our life. Well I can absolutely promise you that you will. I can also promise you that when the time comes, it will be okay, you will be ready. At some point you will even see the purpose in letting go of the thing, the desire, the relationship, whatever it is. The bottom line is that if it is binding you to your current state of existence, then it is no longer serving you.
“Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on.” ~ Eckhart Tolle
I've seen a lot of people over the years, both in and out of the church, try to walk a spiritual path, but something always stops them. Something is simply more important to them than god, or their own truth. It was only my friend from last summer who I'd ever seen honestly try to follow her god heart and step out on faith in amazing ways. I give her a lot of credit for that. Most people I meet are more like the rich man in the bible who asked Jesus what he had to do to get into heaven. When he was told it was give up his riches, he got very sad and walked away. I experience that far more than I experience people like my friend who tried so valiantly to honor god and her own truth.
I've had my days of hanging on to things I never should have. In my experience though, nothing good comes of it and I am far more likely to simply drop the thing that is hindering me these days, then to try and show 'god' the reason I need it. Today I simply say, "I trust you god, show me where this takes me." It's always some place amazing I never imagined. I love that part.
I think too many people get caught up in the literalness of the bible, I don't think Jesus was telling all rich men to give up their riches, it was about his attitude and his priorities. I know I was asked to give up sodas and processed foods continually for the past three years and I'm still struggling with that, but unlike the rich man, I didn't just walk away and say oh I could never do that. I'm trying, I'm trying with everything I have in me and I am determined to be successful.
The fact of the matter is, to walk a truly spiritual path, we must give up a lot of things we deem priorities. There is not much left of my old life today, but there isn't one single thing, relationship, dream, desire that I've laid down that I still miss. What's more is that everything I give up, I find replaced with something greater.
At the end of last year, I lost nearly every relationship in my life. In just the two months of this year, I've gained about a half dozen or so new relationships and all these people are far more spiritual, they understand my journey, they support me, they appreciate me... I've never had that before!
Still, I understand fear, I've dealt with it time and again. We fear what the journey will be like, but more, I think we fear the things we know on some level we will have to give up, the people we will have to leave behind.
I used to read a children's version of Pilgrim's Progress to my kids when they were quite small. It was a story called The Evergreen Woods. It was the story of a mouse family who lived in a meadow that was about to be developed and they were told there was plenty of food and safety and all they could desire in the evergreen wood, but it was quite a journey to get there. The father mouse of this one family begged and pleaded with his wife to wrap up the kids and go, but she was too afraid. Eventually, this mouse knew it was his destiny to go to the evergreen wood, so he left everyone and everything behind and went on this extraordinary journey to the new woods where, when he arrived, he found his family awaiting him after all.
I think often of the stories of Jesus and his disciples, each and every one having to leave family to complete their destiny. That's hard stuff. I had to walk away from family and from friends I'd know for years along with my twin flame, but at the end of the day, there's not anything that can be more important than following my truth, my purpose here.
I do believe we incarnate with a mission, something we either agreed to take on, or chose to take on, before we came here. Mine is becoming more and more clear everyday and I'm realizing that I am meant to be a part of this shift. My words, my light, my love, they will all help to create this shift and so even on the hardest days, I may slink away for a while to rest, but I come back, strong and determined to fight the darkness which I do not see as my enemy, but that I cannot let defeat me all the same.
We all have to give up the old to live in the new.
An awakening will require loss.
However, being on the other side, you will find greater joy, renewed purpose and that anything truly worth having, you'll have in spades.
There is definitely a shift coming. I feel it, and I've had conversations with too many of you who are feeling it too. It's time to prepare, to purify and to step into our places.
Peace, harmony and flow... I pray we will begin to see more of in the coming days.
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