This post will give you a brief overview but it's something that is well worth studying on your own. By each Chakra I have posted a picture that inludes a mantra for that chakra, even spending just a few minutes a day trying these mantras and visualizing the chakra opening and spinning with abundant health and light is a great start!
I first became aware of the affect chakras had on me when a friend did an energy healing on my throat chakra. I was suprised to see myself having random conversations on the street with people I never would have spoken to in the past. Out at Disney, I found myself meeting new people and have made several new friends this way, again, before he opened my throat chakra this never would have happened, so personally find now that I notice when my chakras are aligned although I still don't think I've ever gotten them all fully open at the same time, but that's definitely the goal!
Hope you find some helpful reading on the chakras ahead, it's just the tip of the iceberg, but chakras really are important to our health vitality, as well as our spiritual and sexual well being.
Now, lets get on with what each chakra does...
Root Chakra - Red
Gemstones associated with this Chakra are:
Gemstones associated with this Chakra are:
- Ruby
- Red Jasper
- Bloodstone
In Sanskrit, the name is Muladhara, which literally means root.
Think of a tree, it will only ever be as healthy as its root system, the same too for you. Your root chakra is food, air water, shelter - the basics of life. It is your core. Think ofMaslow's hierarchy of needs the root chakra covers much of the bottom two levels of that pyramid and they are vital to a life of balance and fulfillment, yet these are the things, especially as women, we tend to push aside.
The root chakra is the chakra of health and empowerment. Every other chakra is downstream of it and only receives the energy that the root chakra can pass through to it. People who have open root chakras love their lives - love their physical incarnation in their present bodies. They have a very strong survival sense and they are most often free of things like eating disorders and poverty.
To the contrary, people with closed or weak root chakras will see that manifested in their lives through being angry, fearful, cynical, distrustful, frustrated, envious, jealous, stingy - the list goes on.
The ultimate root chakra failure is suicide - the ultimate root chakra success is empowerment and love of life.
Think of a tree, it will only ever be as healthy as its root system, the same too for you. Your root chakra is food, air water, shelter - the basics of life. It is your core. Think ofMaslow's hierarchy of needs the root chakra covers much of the bottom two levels of that pyramid and they are vital to a life of balance and fulfillment, yet these are the things, especially as women, we tend to push aside.
The root chakra is the chakra of health and empowerment. Every other chakra is downstream of it and only receives the energy that the root chakra can pass through to it. People who have open root chakras love their lives - love their physical incarnation in their present bodies. They have a very strong survival sense and they are most often free of things like eating disorders and poverty.
To the contrary, people with closed or weak root chakras will see that manifested in their lives through being angry, fearful, cynical, distrustful, frustrated, envious, jealous, stingy - the list goes on.
The ultimate root chakra failure is suicide - the ultimate root chakra success is empowerment and love of life.
Sacral Chakra - Orange
Gemstones associated with this Chakra are:
- Amber
- Orange Calcite
- Topaz
Swadhisthana houses your creative and sexual energies - your ability to nurture and give birth to the seeds of life. It is considered to be the relationship chakra because it represents our ability to relate to other people.
The term "stuff your feelings" the navel chakra is where these emotions get stuffed and locked down. It is from here you need to go get them again, heal and release them. If you have a lifelong habit of "stuffing your feelings" you probably have a great many issues stemming from the misuse of this chakra and keeping it shut down.
Problems with this chakra arise when there are issues involving creativity and financial and sexual power. The challenge of the sacral chakra is to interact consciously with others and allow the creative flow of life to guide and shape continual change in our lives.
It is also from this chakra that dreams are manifested. This is where our ability to turn a dream into a reality is housed. So you can see, this is a very vital chakra and one of the ones most under attack by our society.
Navel Chakra in balance: Balance leads to a good connection with your intuition and creativity and sharpens your senses. You know where you want to go and how to get there, and how not to lose yourself on the way.
Navel Chakra out of balance: When the Navel Chakra is out of balance it's harder to find direction and motivation, you feel emotionally distant or extremely over emotional. You avoid change, feel frustration, and your creativity is blocked.
The term "stuff your feelings" the navel chakra is where these emotions get stuffed and locked down. It is from here you need to go get them again, heal and release them. If you have a lifelong habit of "stuffing your feelings" you probably have a great many issues stemming from the misuse of this chakra and keeping it shut down.
Problems with this chakra arise when there are issues involving creativity and financial and sexual power. The challenge of the sacral chakra is to interact consciously with others and allow the creative flow of life to guide and shape continual change in our lives.
It is also from this chakra that dreams are manifested. This is where our ability to turn a dream into a reality is housed. So you can see, this is a very vital chakra and one of the ones most under attack by our society.
Navel Chakra in balance: Balance leads to a good connection with your intuition and creativity and sharpens your senses. You know where you want to go and how to get there, and how not to lose yourself on the way.
Navel Chakra out of balance: When the Navel Chakra is out of balance it's harder to find direction and motivation, you feel emotionally distant or extremely over emotional. You avoid change, feel frustration, and your creativity is blocked.
Solar Plexus Chakra - YellowGemstones associated with this Chakra are:
- Citrine
- Yellow Jasper
- Moonstone
Manipura is a center of personal strength, learning and comprehension. It guides you through life by creating a strong sense of self, setting personal boundaries and building self esteem and willpower. The ability to bring change into your life and to the world is born within this Chakra.
For this Chakra, picture the sun shining brightly in the sky, that's how I want you to shine in this world. Your solar plexus chakra is the center from which you do this. This Chakra governs your ability to digest life and all it has to offer as well as regulates your self confidence and self esteem. This is where you begin, beyond the physical needs.
Problems with this chakra arise from fear of our own identity or losing our identity. For example, the need to excessively control others or ourselves, inability to take responsibility for ourselves or others, criticism and judgment, poor decision-making ability, fear of failure, or feeling invisible or overlooked by others.
The challenge of this chakra is to develop your inner power by being honest and at peace with yourself.
For this Chakra, picture the sun shining brightly in the sky, that's how I want you to shine in this world. Your solar plexus chakra is the center from which you do this. This Chakra governs your ability to digest life and all it has to offer as well as regulates your self confidence and self esteem. This is where you begin, beyond the physical needs.
Problems with this chakra arise from fear of our own identity or losing our identity. For example, the need to excessively control others or ourselves, inability to take responsibility for ourselves or others, criticism and judgment, poor decision-making ability, fear of failure, or feeling invisible or overlooked by others.
The challenge of this chakra is to develop your inner power by being honest and at peace with yourself.
Heart Chakra - Green
Gemstones associated with this Chakra are:
- Rose Quartz
- Pink Tourmaline
- Emerald
Ahahata is about unconditional love, connection, acceptance, transformation and powerful healing. It is the center of compassion, love, group consciousness and spirituality associated with a “oneness” with “all that is”.
The quote from Marianne Williamson reminds me of this chakra: "Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learn."
One of the greatest lessons in this life is to realize it's all about love. Nothing else truly matters. We are made from love and will return to love and this Chakra is the house of that love. It balances and bridges between the lower three chakras and the upper three chakras. A person with a balanced heart center sees the good in all things. Combined with a balanced solar plexus, you get the glass half full outlook on life.
The Heart Chakra in balance: Emotional healing is part of a balanced Heart Chakra. By learning to accept yourself, trust and be compassionate, you balance the Heart Chakra. Balanced green energy enables you to wait patiently for the right relationship and not being afraid to be alone.
The Heart Chakra out of balance: Relationships can be ruined by an imbalance of green energy. Excess emotion might lead you to use manipulations or act overdramatically and your body will break out with allergies or Asthma. Under active Heart chakra makes you feel unloved, inferior, fear rejection or avoid being alone.
The quote from Marianne Williamson reminds me of this chakra: "Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learn."
One of the greatest lessons in this life is to realize it's all about love. Nothing else truly matters. We are made from love and will return to love and this Chakra is the house of that love. It balances and bridges between the lower three chakras and the upper three chakras. A person with a balanced heart center sees the good in all things. Combined with a balanced solar plexus, you get the glass half full outlook on life.
The Heart Chakra in balance: Emotional healing is part of a balanced Heart Chakra. By learning to accept yourself, trust and be compassionate, you balance the Heart Chakra. Balanced green energy enables you to wait patiently for the right relationship and not being afraid to be alone.
The Heart Chakra out of balance: Relationships can be ruined by an imbalance of green energy. Excess emotion might lead you to use manipulations or act overdramatically and your body will break out with allergies or Asthma. Under active Heart chakra makes you feel unloved, inferior, fear rejection or avoid being alone.
Throat Chakra - Pastel Blue
Gemstones associated with this Chakra are:
- Aquamarine
- Blue Topaz
- Blue Lace Agate
Visuddha is our communication center, thus giving us our ability to verbally express ourselves and to be able to have open, clear communication of feelings and thoughts.
It is the gateway to the Higher Consciousness and the gateway through which the emotions contained in the heart pass, to become balanced and harmonized.
Though some think that the 6th and 7th Chakras are the sole ones to deal with spirituality, I believe that the throat Chakra has great influence over our ability to connect with angels and spirit guides.
This Chakra also governs our ability to listen as well as be heard.
Throat Chakra in balance: A balanced Throat Chakra enables you to express yourself truthfully without fearing others, and to listen with empathy. It encourages sharing and focuses you on your goals.
Throat Chakra out of balance: An imbalance in Visuddha hides your true self in shyness or arrogance, and increases anxiety or condescension. The body might react with throat infections or teeth pains, tiredness and reoccurring colds.
It is the gateway to the Higher Consciousness and the gateway through which the emotions contained in the heart pass, to become balanced and harmonized.
Though some think that the 6th and 7th Chakras are the sole ones to deal with spirituality, I believe that the throat Chakra has great influence over our ability to connect with angels and spirit guides.
This Chakra also governs our ability to listen as well as be heard.
Throat Chakra in balance: A balanced Throat Chakra enables you to express yourself truthfully without fearing others, and to listen with empathy. It encourages sharing and focuses you on your goals.
Throat Chakra out of balance: An imbalance in Visuddha hides your true self in shyness or arrogance, and increases anxiety or condescension. The body might react with throat infections or teeth pains, tiredness and reoccurring colds.
3rd EyeChakra - Indigo
Gemstones associated with this Chakra are:
- Lapis Lazuli
- Angelite
- Sodalite
Anja, the Sixth Chakra is the Third Eye Chakra. It is located right in the center of your forehead and enables you to connect with your own intuition and insight. It is believed that deep within the seat of our consciousness, all is known to us. The Third Eye Chakra helps us connect with thisknowing.
Connecting with this Chakra gives you the ability to act deliberately on your own "gut instincts" to be an instrument of good in your own life as well as in those around you.
A closed or blocked sixth chakra will keep you stuck in analytical, busy, churn mode, which is exhausting and stressful. An open and strong sixth chakra will enable you to spend most of your time in relaxed flow mode and to tap into inner wisdom and intuition which is really guidance from your own Soul.
Third Eye Chakra in balance: When the Chakra is balanced we experience high mental ability, we are able to separate between reality and imagination and best combine logic and emotion. When we live with a balanced Third Eye chakra, we experience overall good health, clear thinking and focus. A healthy third eye chakra will encourage intuition, empathy of others and build trust in oneself.
Third Eye Chakra out of balance: When the Chakra is unbalanced we experience fatigue, day dreaming, sleep problems, lack of assertiveness, inability to listen to others, and may even often feel disoriented.
Connecting with this Chakra gives you the ability to act deliberately on your own "gut instincts" to be an instrument of good in your own life as well as in those around you.
A closed or blocked sixth chakra will keep you stuck in analytical, busy, churn mode, which is exhausting and stressful. An open and strong sixth chakra will enable you to spend most of your time in relaxed flow mode and to tap into inner wisdom and intuition which is really guidance from your own Soul.
Third Eye Chakra in balance: When the Chakra is balanced we experience high mental ability, we are able to separate between reality and imagination and best combine logic and emotion. When we live with a balanced Third Eye chakra, we experience overall good health, clear thinking and focus. A healthy third eye chakra will encourage intuition, empathy of others and build trust in oneself.
Third Eye Chakra out of balance: When the Chakra is unbalanced we experience fatigue, day dreaming, sleep problems, lack of assertiveness, inability to listen to others, and may even often feel disoriented.
Crown Chakra - Violet
Gemstones associated with this Chakra are:
- Amethyst
- Blue Sapphire
- Sugilite
Sahasrara is the seventh chakra. This chakra is considered the door to divine universal energy. It takes you far beyond physical worldly things into timeless infinite consciousness.The more balanced the Crown Chakra is the better your connection to the divine consciousness.
This Chakra takes you out of the world you see all around you, surpassing into the unseen spiritual realms where all is known. When this Chakra is in balance you will experience more joy, receive guidance, and be drawn to spiritual teachings. You will easily understand these teachings and they will feel like home as you incorporate them into your life. You will also have access to your intuitive nature and inner guidance.
Being out of balance in this chakra will limit your vision of what is beyond your material existence. Your sense of wonder, spirituality, and creativity will be lacking. The world can be a dense physical place without energy. You may become very materialistic, stuck in the past, and worried about the future. Having material possessions may be your only vision of a successful life.
This Chakra takes you out of the world you see all around you, surpassing into the unseen spiritual realms where all is known. When this Chakra is in balance you will experience more joy, receive guidance, and be drawn to spiritual teachings. You will easily understand these teachings and they will feel like home as you incorporate them into your life. You will also have access to your intuitive nature and inner guidance.
Being out of balance in this chakra will limit your vision of what is beyond your material existence. Your sense of wonder, spirituality, and creativity will be lacking. The world can be a dense physical place without energy. You may become very materialistic, stuck in the past, and worried about the future. Having material possessions may be your only vision of a successful life.
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