
The Voice of God

I've worked hard to cultivate my relationship with god from the time I was eight years old and I have been very blessed by how he's honored my intentions in that area so I know when I hear the voice of god, even if it comes through an astrologer, or a psychic, or a book, or a song. I hear people say all the time they can't hear god, but I say, he's talking everywhere, you just have to tune in.

I think one of the saddest things about religion is how they box themselves in. If it's not from your church's particular religious viewpoint, then it's wrong. I just don't believe that. God is SO much bigger than a church or religion and if you keep your focus that narrow, I believe you will miss the best parts of being a spiritual being.

John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

I think when we are raised with religion, we have been taught to tune so much of God out. Don't get me wrong, I am NOT bashing religion or the act of raising your children in the church, it's just that I feel the need to remind you that god is more and if you are struggling in life and in your relationship with god, or with hearing him, it could very well be the box you've gladly put yourself in. When we open up to him, in whatever way he wishes to communicate, he will speak to us. Our job is not to demand he speak to us a certain way, but to train ourselves to recognize his voice.

 I'm a Christian that believes all truth is God's truth. If you are open
to hearing it, you'll hear it! I will listen for it everywhere, because I hunger for it.

 I got an astrology reading for the first time in my life this week and it was amazing! I heard god speak  most clearly in almost everything, but one spot seemed to deviate from what I'd been hearing in my prayer and meditation and that troubled me, so I took it up in prayer. I was very clearly told, "Who will you believe, one who reads the stars, or one who set the stars in the sky in the first place?"

He went on to say if he so wished, he could rearrange those stars with a single breath.

Point is, I do believe in astrology. My grandmother practiced the art, but I also know that miracles happen every day and I do not believe my destiny is written in ink, so I intend to stay open to things no one else can see.

This morning in meditation I was told that if everyone was on my side in this thing I've been struggling with, then there would be no place for him to vindicate me or for the situation to glorify him. I understood deeply what was being said and I have closed this topic for questioning or debate permanently.

All in all, this has been a wonderful week of clarification, testing of faith, and breakthroughs. I'm excited to start implementing all I've learned as I continue to listen for my god's voice in every moment. I hope you do the same because I know for fact he longs to talk with you. :)

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