Everything has a season of harvest.
I'm coming into mine.
It's a matter of faith. I happen to believe in a faithful god who has a rhythm and who breathes favor on us. When he does, he pushes us further faster then we have any right to even hope for.
I know my life is experiencing one of those shifts where things are about to accelerate, where I am about to experience a harvest that should have taken me a lifetime to build up to and while I am extraordinarily grateful, I also find myself battling fear and feelings of doubts.
I've been in a long season of pain and suffering where I have had a long list of things happen to me, most of which no one but me even knows about. Y'all think I share everything with you but I don't. :) There are some things that don't seem necessary so I keep them to myself, but they still color my world and my journey. Part of my faith though is
that god only allows us to suffer for so long. He allows it for a plethora of reasons, many of which I imagine we could never even comprehend, but one reason I believe is that times of hardship allow us to grow roots so we can be strong. Times of hardship allow us a chance to prove our faithfulness. Times of hardship prove our character. Times of hardship teach us things we just could never learn any other way.
Without these times, we would never discover all that we can truly be. I believe with everything that I am, that times of hardship pass and when they do, they bring us to whole new levels of life, enlightenment and understanding. Along with the winds of peace comes the season of harvest. The time when you reap what you sowed within that time of hardship.
This is where I am in my life, with harvest looming and I know that I'm far from perfect, but I know that my god is faithful and that he will show his favor on me this year. He has promised me much and he is a god of his word, in this I cannot doubt.
I know we all struggle in life, we all face fear and situations that seem completely unfair. Health matters, trouble with our kids, abuse of all manner, this world can be an incredibly dark and cruel place, but when we cultivate faith, when we train our minds to only see the goodness of god in our outcome, that's when we can move mountains. That's when we see miracles. That's when we enter into these shifts and we find ourselves blessed beyond all reason.
I'm struggling tonight and so as I write this, I am thinking of all of you who are struggling tonight as well. We are not quitters you and me. No matter how hard it gets, how scared you are or how alone you feel, you can get through this. You can remain faithful and you will experience the breath of god wash over your life leaving in it's wake a harvest unlike any you've ever imagined.
Be strong. Stay in love and light and never allow doubt and fear to rob you of your peace... at least not for long. Fight for what you've earned and trust that your faith will make all the difference in the world.
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